Size & CEO Pay

size and ceo pay graph with elon musk ahead

Size & CEO Pay Part 2 in series: “What Matters in CEO Pay?” Size matters. Both company size and CEO pay size matter a lot! While this doesn’t seem like a wild statement, this fact gets tested over and over, most recently with one of the most widely- known executives in the world, Elon Musk, […]

SEC’s Pay Versus Performance – 2023 Early Impressions

pay vs performance insights 2023

SEC’s Pay Versus Performance – 2023 Early Impressions As we head into March and the start of proxy season, the SEC’s newly required Pay Versus Performance disclosures are front of mind for many that deal with compensation and corporate governance. The Commission just recently released some *timely* clarifications on their rules, called Compliance & Disclosure […]

Pay VS Performance Disclosure Rules

Working hard on reports

Pay VS Performance Disclosure Rules The SEC adopted new pay vs performance disclosure rules on August 25. We have provided commentary on these new rules and in particular, we predict the following may be natural outcomes: The new disclosures will take additional time and lengthen disclosures. Most companies will likely report the new disclosures in […]

SEC Executive Compensation Clawback Rules

Clawback 2022

SEC Compensation Clawback Rules It took 12 years post Dodd Frank and a 3-2 political party divided vote, but the SEC has finally adopted new clawback rules. Here is an early summary, and for those who love the details, see the full release below. Full Rules Release Summary: Recovery of Erroneous and Excessive Executive Compensation […]