Size & CEO Pay

size and ceo pay graph with elon musk ahead

Size & CEO Pay Part 2 in series: “What Matters in CEO Pay?” Size matters. Both company size and CEO pay size matter a lot! While this doesn’t seem like a wild statement, this fact gets tested over and over, most recently with one of the most widely- known executives in the world, Elon Musk, […]

Energy Compensation Survey

Zayla Partners Acquires ECI Energy Compensation Survey January 19, 2024 Executive compensation consulting firm Zayla Partners announced today that the firm has acquired Effective Compensation Inc., a leading energy industry compensation survey company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. “ECI Owner & CEO, Terry Isselhardt, has developed the gold standard of quality compensation data & analytics for the energy industry over […]

Compensation Committee Considerations 2024

committee meeting taking place

At this time last year, 72% of CEOs were expecting a recession in 2023. While the circumstances underlying that prediction have evolved (hypergrowth and hyper-inflation have tapered off), and the Russell 1,000 has returned 18.3% YTD. In short, the market is volatile and predictions are difficult!Over the past year, as we have worked with our […]

What Matters in CEO Pay?


1st of a Multi-Part Series Is CEO pay back in the crosshairs of the President of the United States? One could infer such a position after President Biden’s recent visit to the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike where he jumped in the picket line alongside union workers who are striking in protest for more pay […]

Telling the Compensation Story Through Reported and Realizable Executive Compensation

realizable compensation

Executive compensation is a hot topic in the corporate governance world.  The discussion and evaluation of the fairness of executive pay practices has ramped up considerably since the arrival of Dodd-Frank, evolving as investor expectations and disclosure trends among public issuers have changed. Last year, the SEC finalized disclosure rules on how companies should communicate […]

CEO to NEO Pay Index Matters

CEO to NEO pay index

When we conducted a three year (2019 – 2022) pay and performance comparison of the top ~2,000 public companies (by market cap), we found CEO pay that was too far removed from the other named executive officers (NEOs) resulted in an inefficient relationship between the amount of compensation delivered and shareholder return generated. Specifically, companies […]

Executive Retiree Incentive Challenges


Solving the Incentive Compensation Challenges in Executive Retirements In collaboration with WorldAtWork’s Workspan Magazine, Zayla’s CEO (Chris Crawford) and Managing Partner (Ian Keas) wrote this article regarding executive retiree compensation. What used to be golden handshakes for retiring executives, along with the retirement parties and going-away gifts – have increasingly become executive and board wrestling […]

Client Alert – CLAWBACK Update


An Update on Executive Compensation Clawbacks Back in October 2022, the SEC adopted final rules detailing listing standards for “Recovery of Erroneously Awarded Compensation” – or more commonly known as “clawbacks.”  The rules, implemented 12 years after the passing of Dodd Frank, are summarized for reference. In an interesting turn of events, the SEC, after […]

SEC’s Pay Versus Performance – 2023 Early Impressions

pay vs performance insights 2023

SEC’s Pay Versus Performance – 2023 Early Impressions As we head into March and the start of proxy season, the SEC’s newly required Pay Versus Performance disclosures are front of mind for many that deal with compensation and corporate governance. The Commission just recently released some *timely* clarifications on their rules, called Compliance & Disclosure […]