
As thought leaders, Zayla Partners™ keeps clients informed on the ever-changing corporate governance world and its impact on executive compensation, board of director compensation, and broader human capital matters. See below for a variety of articles, analyses, and case studies tailored to elevate your understanding of the impacts of market trends and current events on your business.

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The Essential Guide To Conducting A Compensation Analysis

In an increasingly competitive job market, the need to attract and retain the best talent...
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realizable compensation

Telling the Compensation Story Through Reported and Realizable Executive Compensation

Executive compensation is a hot topic in the corporate governance world.  The discussion and evaluation...
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CEO to NEO pay index

CEO to NEO Pay Index Matters

When we conducted a three year (2019 - 2022) pay and performance comparison of the...
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compensation whiplas

Solving Compensation Whiplash

Compensation Whiplash - the movement of compensation up and/or down so rapidly it gives you...
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Executive Retiree Incentive Challenges

Solving the Incentive Compensation Challenges in Executive Retirements In collaboration with WorldAtWork's Workspan Magazine, Zayla's...
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Steps to Pay Equity

Pay Equity Is More Than A Buzzword In Today’s Workplace. Pay equity is the practice...
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Client Alert – CLAWBACK Update

An Update on Executive Compensation Clawbacks Back in October 2022, the SEC adopted final rules...
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Energy industry

2023 Energy Company First Filers Analysis

FY 2022 Energy Company Returns Up 50%, CEO Pay Up 22% FY 2022 was a...
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Long-Term Incentives

Long-Term Incentive Plans in Private Companies

For the past 16 years, long-term incentives (LTI) in private companies have significantly increased. According...
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