
As thought leaders, Zayla Partners™ keeps clients informed on the ever-changing corporate governance world and its impact on executive compensation, board of director compensation, and broader human capital matters. See below for a variety of articles, analyses, and case studies tailored to elevate your understanding of the impacts of market trends and current events on your business.

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incentive plan design

Incentive Plan Decision Making

While Pay versus performance disclosures will headline most executive pay stories, the real cruxt of...
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pay vs performance insights 2023

SEC’s Pay Versus Performance – 2023 Early Impressions

SEC’s Pay Versus Performance – 2023 Early Impressions As we head into March and the...
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Compensation Priorities 2023

2023 Compensation Committee Priorities

2023 Compensation Committee Priorities A recent poll conducted found that 98% of CEOs expect a...
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total rewards strategy

A New Currency: Work From Home

A New Currency in the Compensation Toolbox: Work From Home If necessity is the mother...
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employee benefits

What Job Seekers are Looking For

What Job Seekers Are Looking For Job seeker preferences are shifting – with candidates now...
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Work from home

Future State of Remote Work

Future State of Remote Work A recent study conducted by Gallup found that as pandemic-related...
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ESG and Zayla

North America ‘enthusiasm gap’ about ESG’s

North American 'Enthusiasm Gap' About ESG's According to an Oxford and Protiviti survey conducted over the...
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Working hard on reports

Pay VS Performance Disclosure Rules

Pay VS Performance Disclosure Rules The SEC adopted new pay vs performance disclosure rules on...
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Recession-proof comp strategies

Recession-Proof Compensation Strategies

Strategies for a Recession-Proof Compensation Plan The Market Background The stock market is down approximately...
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